Transforming your school

24 January 2018

Recent UK government figures show that the number of pupils attending secondary schools will rise by 20% over the next decade, so it’s more important than ever to make sure that the environment that students are in is suitable for successful learning.

Decision makers at schools will need to weigh up the pros and cons of extending their current build, or refurbishing the space that they currently have to meet the demands of higher pupil numbers.

Building extensions does involve local authority planning, and obtaining funding, and whilst this can expand the space of a school dramatically, it can take a long time.

In instances where time is limited, a refurbishment with proper space planning would be much more beneficial, especially if your contractor can deliver your requirements in the school holidays to keep disruption to a minimum.

It’s also important to choose a contractor who is up to date with all the relevant regulations, such as the requirements to meet for number of desks per square feet.

New Commercial Services have many years’ experience in the design, rebuild and refurbishment of exceptional workspaces, from offices through to schools. We understand that working within schools and educational organisations requires a special duty of care and all of our on-site team are DBS checked.

 We will help you optimise your space to produce an environment conducive to learning, guiding you through the design and fit out service, managing your budgetary requirements and bringing your project in on schedule. To find out more or to contact us about your project, please call us on 01635 567720 or email